

Clone code from repository.

git clone

Prepare virtual environment for development

Install pyenv to switch different version of python. Follow the official guide to install.

Create virtural env to install gravel.

python venv gravel/.venv
source gravel/.venv/bin/activate

Then, prefix (.env) will be added to PS1 string in your terminal while you are in virtual environment.

Install gravel

Install package from cloned repository into virtual environment with editable mode.

pip install -e gravel[dev]

Install pre-commit

pre-commit is a tool which automatically check format, coding style, programming errors etc when you commit codes.

To maintain code quality, enable pre-commit in the local repository as follows.

pre-commit install

Update code

Edit the code as required. Since main branch is protected, you need to create a feature branch with following command.

git switch -c <feature_branch_name>

Linter and formatters are applied when you commit your code automatically by pre-commit, but you can apply them manually with following command before hand.

pre-commit run --files <path/to/file>
# to apply to all files
# pre-commit run --all-files

Once you have edited the code and updated the corresponding test code, run pytest to test as follows.

# pytest with verbose.options
# pytest -vvs

Following command also check code blocks marked with doctest::.

make -C docs/ doctests

If your update is document, run following command and confirm that the build is done without error, and open built html files with your browser.

make -C docs/ html

The above code builds only pages which source files are updated from previous build. If you want to build from scratch, remove a directory docs/build before make.

rm -rf docs/build && make html

Commit and push

If you check your edit pass pytest, make doctest etc. with the above steps, git add and git commit. Then, pre-commit will be automatically applied to staged files.

If pre-commit is passed, you can write commit message. Write commit message and push to repository.